7SecondCoach SportsCast

7SecondCoach SportsCast

Lunch & Learn: The Long Game vs The Long Con – Interview #1

April 25, 2018

In today's 7SecondCoach Sports Cast Wednesday Lunch & Learn - today we have Interview #1 in The Long Game vs The Long Con Series! We are speaking to Dillon Buchanan who is the Handle University Recruiting Coordinator and a former Nationally Ranked High School Coach and a former college coach. His insights on the Long Game vs the Long Con with regard to the recruiting process for athletes, parents and coaches is absolute Gold! Any parent that is looking for answers and solutions for how to navigate the recruiting process absolutely needs to tune in! You will also gain valuable knowledge about how to spot the Long Game vs the Long Con and avoid coaches and programs that are simply designed to separate you from your money while selling you false hope!

Lunch & Learn Wednesday at 7SecondCoach Headquarters is dedicated to providing insights and solutions into the hard topics that coaches don't often address in their programs. I have been tagged as the "Instigational Speaker" by forcing athletes, coaches and parents to look at and and deal with the tough aspects of their sport, their program and their athlete.

I remember using my lunch and prep periods as a teacher & coach during my career as a high school coach as an opportunity to advance myself personally, in peace at my desk. My goal was to find something that would make me a better coach that day so that I could help my athletes be the best they could be and I hope that is exactly what is happening for you through the 7SecondCoach Lunch & Learn Sports Cast!

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