7SecondCoach SportsCast

7SecondCoach SportsCast

Lunch & Learn: If This Doesn’t Change You’re Not Doing Your Job

September 16, 2020

In today's 7SecondCoach Sports Cast Wednesday Lunch & Learn we are going to cover the tough topic of "If This Doesn't Change You're Not Doing Your Job! When I talk to coaches across the country these two topics are always front and center because if you are not addressing these two areas in your program you are clearly Not Doing Your Job and hamstringing you're team and inviting a parentocolypse! By implementing these two concepts immediately into your program you will see a dramatic increase in energy, effort and output from all of your athletes.

Lunch & Learn Wednesday at 7SecondCoach Headquarters is dedicated to providing insights and solutions into the hard topics that coaches don't often address in their programs. I have been tagged as the "Instigational Speaker" by forcing coaches to look at and and deal with the tough aspects of their sport and program.

I remember using my lunch period as a teacher & coach during my career as a high school coach as an opportunity to advance myself personally, in peace at my desk, and I hope that is exactly what is happening for you through the 7SecondCoach Sports Cast!!

If you would like to schedule a Strategy Session with Coach Brandt to discuss this topic or implementation of any other topic click the button below!