600 Second Saga

600 Second Saga

S2.10 Space Opera

June 07, 2017

Space Opera by Donald Jacob Uitvlugt First appeared in Splickety. Donald Jacob Uitvlugt lives on neither coast of the United States, but mostly in a haunted memory palace of his own design. His short fiction has appeared in numerous print and online venues, including Cirsova magazine and the Flametree Publishing anthology Science Fiction Stories. He is also releasing a series of self-published stories for Kindle. Donald strives to write what he calls "haiku fiction," stories that are small in scope but big in impact. If you enjoyed "Space Opera," please let him know via his blog or via Twitter: @haikufictiondju.   Music is provided by MADS. You can support 600 Second Saga by giving us a 5-star review on iTunes.