Kitchen Table Podcast
Latest Episodes
Meet The Old Boss - For The Love of God Let It Not Be Like The Old Boss
Is this time different? Will the new awareness about sexual harassment change how we treat each other forever? And do women really want to see a guy masturbate?
Trump and Treason - Part 1
Steve Bannon says that meeting with Russians during the campaign was treasonous. What is treason and has Trump already done it? Maybe or maybe not, but something tells us this will not be the last time we ask the question.
Is Trump Tweeting Us Into Nuclear War With North Korea
Is Trump Tweeting Us Into Nuclear War With North Korea?
Net Not So Neutral - With Comcast and Verizon in Charge What Could Go Wrong?
Star Wars bro Ajit Pai and his ex-employers at Verizon got their wish. How long before Comcast makes the internet just as awesome as cable?
Roy Moore and the Real Values of Values Voters
Roy Moore lost, but 80% of white evangelicals voted for him. And they love pussy-grabbing Donald Trump. Is it character that drives them? Or something darker?...