49ers Now

49ers Now

49ers Now Week 16 Podcast - #merryclinchmas

December 24, 2013

#merryclinchmas #happychanuclinch #andahappyhopefullybye/homefieldadvantageinthenewyear

  1. [0:00 - 16:27] BOWMAN FOR PRESIDENT, and how the Stick WILL live to see more playoff magic
  2. [16:28 - 23:53] 12th man destroyed on Sunday and how the Seattle Roidhawks’ 13th man (Mr. Adderall) and 14th man (Mr. HGH) should be eliminated come playoff time.
  3. [23:54 - 38:01] Playoff scenarios – who we will likely see, who we want to see, and everything we need to see happen this Sunday – EVERYONE PLEASE THINK POSITIVELY!!!

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