Latest Episodes

Episode 52-Teatime
June 26, 2023

The cup of tea.  An unassuming choice it may seem, but the culture it engenders by its very nature creates a fascinating social vehicle.What some may decry as a stuffy or rigid exercise, actually can provide an insight into a community seldom found elsewh

Episode 51 - Illness
December 07, 2022

Not all damage can be seen.  Not all struggles happen in public view.  When we hide our true pain from others, not only do we rob them of the ability to sympathize, but we turn away help we do not recognize from areas we do not expect it.In this episode I

Episode 50 - Oh, Inspiration
November 30, 2022

We beg for it, we plead for it, offer deals, and go to great lengths to achieve it, but the moments of inspiration fall sparingly upon those who hunger most for them.  Throughout history the pursuit of inspiration has been a mystery for all who have had t

Episode 49 - A Gift for Giving
November 23, 2022

Choosing gifts is possibly one of the most stressful parts of participation, when it comes to the holidays.  The desire to conjure an idea both uniquely appropriate, and unexpectedly welcome sets a very high bar not only for one person, but for possibly d

Episode 48 - Ventilation
November 16, 2022

‘It’s the season, to bundle up!  Not only ourselves, but our homes and buildings as well!  As we transition from days spent running from the heat and humidity into days spent equally chasing them down, there are some useful techniques to keep in mind as w

Episode 47 - How to Take Over the World
November 09, 2022

What do you get the man who has everything?  Why, everything, of course!Throughout history, attempts have been made to conquer vast swathes of the globe beneath a single banner and ruler.  Some notable examples could even have been said to have effectivel

Episode 46 - It Takes a Village
November 02, 2022

How do you change the makeup of a whole community?  Where do you begin if you have an idea for a whole new way to live?  Who gets to decide how we structure our lives and relationships in an ever evolving society?We live at a time when our ability to get

Episode 45 - HALLOWEEN, The Reason for the Season!
October 26, 2022

Halloween!  The most contested, controversial, and confusing holiday on the western calendar.  Half beloved, half derided, it seems to either engender disgust, or adoration.  Its celebration alone can be seen as grounds for religious condemnation among ce

Episode 44 - Naming Names
October 19, 2022

What is in a name?  We are told that a rose smells the same no matter its title, yet we pin a great deal of our perceptions upon the smallest of things.  Would there be an actual shift in our collective perception if the touchstones of our lives were sudd

Episode 43 - The Tin Man's Heart
October 12, 2022

The idea of the mechanical beings we create inevitably dominating our species is a trope that goes back to before robotics were even possible.  Even today, we seem to instinctively view any advancement in the development of Artificial Intelligence with a