Trinity Evangelical Presbyterian Church

Trinity Evangelical Presbyterian Church

Latest Episodes

The Two Cuts
March 07, 2021

Let’s go in depth into the main two ways we tear each other down rather than build each other up: Gossip and Sarcasm. I call Gossip the Outer Cut because it tears apart other people’s perception of the person I gossip about. The second cut is sarcasm.…

Speaking the Truth In Love
February 28, 2021

We are called to speak the Truth in love to each other as one of the mechanisms by which we reach that maturity. There are two components to this command that are equally important. First, we must speak the Truth to each other. Falsehood and flatter…

The Power of Blessing
February 21, 2021

We cannot simply be content to be blessed by God; we must realize that we are blessed to be a blessing. …

Facing Reality
February 14, 2021

The road to transforming our tongue starts with a deep realization of how devastating our tongue can be to our lives and to the lives of those around us. …

Why we fast
February 07, 2021

Those who embrace suffering in the body find victory over sin. Peter ties suffering to increased obedience…

January 31, 2021

Fasting is denying the desires of our flesh. The great paradox is that as we weaken the desires of our flesh it actually strengthens it to be more supportive of our spirit.…

The Long Blessing of God
December 13, 2020

Jesus came into the world through the faith of Mary. Christ enters the world through our faith as well. Every time we step out in faith Christ is able to be born into the lives of others and into every place we go. Lord, grant us the vision to see h…

Will We Allow God to Deliver Us?
December 06, 2020

The Lord calls us to trust in Him for deliverance but we often look to the world instead. But if we do, the same thing that happened to Judah will happen to us; we will become enslaved to those from whom we sought help. We must repent of our dependen…

The Branch from the Stump
November 29, 2020

Once a tree falls or is cut down a stump is all that remains. No one walks up on a stump and assumes something positive happened to that tree. You just realize from experience that it’s the last remnants of a tree that has been felled. Praise God tha…

The Lordship of God is our Refuge
November 22, 2020

Sooner or later, the storms of life, the difficulties of this world and the attacks of the enemy will overwhelm us. When that happens our ability to survive and thrive will depend on the refuges that are available to us. …