Lockdown Movie Club
Latest Episodes
Guardians Of The Galaxy
We're back with a landmark episode as we watch Guardians Of The Galaxy for the (not) first time. I apologise for Lily's microphone issues during the intro...
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
The first Captain America movie sits at the bottom of our list at the moment. Surely the sequel can't be worse?!
Thor: The Dark World
Join us as we dive head first into a galactic adventure across the 9 realms and watch Thor: The Dark World for the first time.
Iron Man 3
Time to kick off phase 2 of the MCU with Iron Man 3! Knowing very little about the plot, we jumped straight in with no expectations and were pleasantly surprised!
The Avengers
We travel back in time to 2012 to watch one of the biggest blockbuster movies ever released for the very first time! With our hopes high, will The Avengers live up to the hype?
Captain America
How does the last of the MCU Phase One origin stories compare to the rest? Does this movie need to be 2 hours long? What was the purpose of Peggy? We discuss all this and more as we watch Captain America for the first time.
Does Thor come from space? Which Greek God is he? Why is Sir Anthony Hopkins in this Movie? These are just a few of the questions we had before watching Thor for the first time.
Iron Man 2
Sequels are typically pretty disappointing, but is that the case with Iron Man 2? How does it compare to Hulk? Join us as we dive in to find out!
The Incredible Hulk
Continuing with our Marvel marathon we watch the second movie in the series and see how it compares to Iron Man (spoiler alert: it's not good).
Iron Man
That Marvel journey starts strong with the first Iron Man movie directed by Jon Favreau in 2008. Neither Lily nor I have seen the movie in 10+ years so we're excited to see how it holds up in our first ever episode of Lockdown Movie Club!