Pitching In

Pitching In

Latest Episodes

Episode 30: Super Special Olympics
November 09, 2022

Aided by an unlikable ally, the gang sets out to build the ultimate race

Episode 28: The Last Resort
June 14, 2022

In this episode Jeremy asks how high is too high to record a podcast?

Episode 27: The Conspiratree Theorist
May 01, 2022

The gang discuss A new Game show thats META than Ever, Karl Tries to get to the ROOT of the Issue with with new ConspiraTREE theory that will STUMP scientists, and LEAF the fossil feul industry POWERLESS. Kb pitches a brighter future for the EduPAYtion sy

Episode 26: Nail-Gun & Run
April 03, 2022

This week sees the gang bringing their formidable home improvement skills to bear against the white whale of the construction industry: affordable interment camps.

Episode 25: Back on Track
March 17, 2022

Slither me Timbers - a home restoration show with a twist....all the builders are Snakes

Episode 23: Occupy
December 28, 2021

This week the gang goes to the one place not corrupted by capitalism....SPACE

Episode 21: Prince of Israel: The Sans of Jez
October 30, 2021

The guys FINALLY cum around to the cultural phenomenon that is: Fifty Shades Of Gray.

Episode 20: Bad Recordings
September 18, 2021

Somehow Nick fucked up his recording so bad that the whole thing sounds weird.

Episode 19: Accident prone(bone)
September 04, 2021

why shouldnt the government just pay for everything?

Episode 18: Chris Hansen presents: The proverbial Nut
August 16, 2021

1. Horse 2. Donkey 3. ??? 4. Duck 5. Profit