Minutes with Lynn da Empath

Minutes with Lynn da Empath

Latest Episodes

Breathe, inhale and exhale
April 01, 2021

Letting go of the past by exhaling and entering your future by inhaling. Breathing is not only a medical process but it can also be a spiritual one too. You deserve a better and bright future!

Gifts from God
March 30, 2021

Gifts from God and Gifts of man are not the same! God’s gifts are free while gifts from man comes with a price literally or some type of energy’s required. For example, a house is not a gift from God, however it could be a blessing. Love is a gift from Go

Known vs Unknown
March 12, 2021

Not only does the natural authorities hold people accountable for scenarios but God who’s a supernatural being does also. We are held accountable for lack of knowledge in God’s eyes because knowledge is at our fingertips but how much efforts did you use t

March 05, 2021

Prayer is a process. There’s a start with no finish concept which is very different from your average or normal natural processes in life. Prayer is beneficial before and after conditions, circumstances and situations takes place in one’s life. So in this

Presence of the Lord
February 28, 2021

Regardless of where you are spiritually, the Presence of the Lord is always near. Sometimes it takes for an individual to awaken to realize the greater things. Sometimes it takes for life changing situations to take place just to understand where to apply

Lynn da Empath Trailer
February 28, 2021

Lynn da Empath is a woman who has finally entered an opened door that no one can close. This woman of God claimed the blessing and gift to be able to reach people all over the world with words of encouragement, wisdom and spiritual enlightenment shortly a