After Hashtags

After Hashtags

Latest Episodes

[After Hashtags] EP_04 Robert Wang 日本公司儲備幹部/攝影師
May 19, 2021

Robert works as a management trainee while staying abroad in Japan for almost three years. Apart from his day job, he has a neck for making videos. He collaborates with magazine publishers to produce video content and sometimes is involved in translating

[After Hashtags] EP_03 Derrick Huang 電商市場開發/領隊/攝影師
April 13, 2021

 Derrick works as a market development specialist for an e-commerce company. During weekends, he works as a tour guide, showcasing the best of Taiwan could offer. Besides, he is also a seasoned photographer. He is particularly proud of his work capturing

[After Hashtags] EP_02 Shu Chen 軟體工程師/創業家/Airbnb 房東
February 17, 2021

 Shu is a seasoned software developer, entrepreneur, and an Airbnb host. He is originally from Taiwan currently living in the Netherlands.

[After Hashtags] EP_01 Molly Hsieh 風險管理分析師 & 薩克斯風樂手
February 03, 2021

By profession, Molly works as a risk management analyst. When she is not working, she enjoys playing the saxophone.

[After Hashtags] EP_00 頻道初衷 The purpose of starting this channel
January 27, 2021

Hi friends! Welcome to the pilot episode of After Hashtags. The meaning of After Hashtags is to encourage people to gain a different view of themselves regardless of the labels they carry. A person can be identified with various labels but that does not f