Dicey Encounters
Latest Episodes
Ep 5: An Audience With The King
Join Kalta, Rook, and Jim as they negotiate their fate with the elite guard and the king in this Dicey Encounter.
Ep 4: The Milf Scale
Join our three heros as they exit the underbelly of the castle. What will they be met with on the other side of the door? Find out in this Dicey Encounter.
Ep 3: Know Thyself
Join Rook, Jim, Kalta, and Tyme as they try to find a way out of the castle and are forced to recall one another's troubled past together.
Ep 2: Within The Castle's Bowels
Join Shannon, Jayce, and Amber and their characters, Jim, Rook, and Kalta search for an escape from the depths of the colosseum. What threats lurk in their path? Will they find unlikely allies? Find out today in this Dicey Encounter!
Homebrew Corner ep 1: Battlemage Class
Join Joaquin (The DM) and Jayce (The voice of Rook) in a chaotic special episode about their original Battlemage class.
Ep 1: The Main Event
Meet our heroes, Rook, Jim, and Kalta played by Jayce, Shannon, and Amber as they attend the world's biggest sporting event: The Festival Of Harmony. How will they meet? What mischief will they get up to? What secrets does the tournament hold? Find out al