Historical Romance Books by Red Brick Media

Historical Romance Books by Red Brick Media

Latest Episodes

Who Are the Frequent Best Sellers in Historical Romance?
August 20, 2021

Every day I look at the best seller list for Historical Romance on Amazon – the hopeful rank for authors. This episode is also available as a blog post: http://historical-romances.com/2021/08/20/who-are-the-frequent-best-sellers-in-historical-romance/ -

The Psychology of Romance Novels or Period Dramas
July 23, 2021

There are plenty of articles on the Internet from psychology resources that state romance novels are bad for women.  Some say these books give women unrealistic expectations when it comes to romance and can damage real-life relationships. This episod

Sources for eBooks
July 21, 2021

Those of you who like the ability to read digital material rather than  smelling the scent of the printed page, source your eBooks from a variety of sources.  Authors and publishers make those eBooks available to readers on multiple platforms.

A Woman’s Place in History by Brita Addams (Historical Tidbit!)
July 09, 2021

Understanding the centuries-long struggle is essential to understanding  true characterizations in historical fiction and romance. I remain  firmly in the ‘portray women within the restrictions of their times’  camp. Otherwise, we’re simply

The Price of an E-Book
May 20, 2021

Today while I was checking out the Amazon Best Seller list, I glanced at the book prices.  A few caught my eye, thinking they were outrageously high.  You might assume that books on sale would sell more copies and rise to the best seller list. &

What’s Up With Red Brick Media?
April 28, 2021

Find out what's behind the name of Red Brick Media?  There's a story about why I have a thing for bricks.  Follow the links below for further detail behind to podcast or visit the link to the original post to see more. Toil Under the Sun Manches

Historical Tidbit on Parisian Morality (Historical Tidbit Episode)
April 12, 2021

Prostitution and brothels were at their heyday, and they served a  purpose to meet the needs of men both rich and poor. After all, marriage was an institution for producing children; prostitutes and mistresses were for pleasure. The brothel was a pla

Blood, Sweat & Tears – What it’s like to write a book.
April 01, 2021

As an avid reader of historical romance, you are on the finished side of  creative work. Have you ever considered what it is like to be the creator of that story you hold?  Here are some brutally honest thoughts on what it’s like to write a book

Why Reviews Are Important to Authors
April 01, 2021

Book reviews are important to authors. From accolades to one star they serve a purpose beyond feedback of a story. Reviews are an essential means by which authors can promote their books.  Without them, they are lost in a digital sea of ebooks. This

Cover Trends - Yea? Nay? Ugh?
March 25, 2021

What is it with this new trend from big house traditional publishers of cartoon-type covers?  Frankly, I cringe at the sight of them and wonder why they are pushing this change?  What are your thoughts?  Cartoons for historical romance or b