Living Spring
Latest Episodes
Do the work of the Lord
This episode talks about what one also has to do for God. Man is known for always taking from God. What do we have for God? What have we given to God?
How hungry are you
When you are dissatisfied enough in life, you will move to make changes. How hungry are you?
Faith in an unfaithful world.
We live in an outrightly dangerous times and it keeps getting worse . . .
What do you see
Can you see yourself walking in God's goodness? Can you see yourself free from addiction and bondage? Can you see yourself living long and healthy life?
Renew your mind
This episode talks about why one has to renew his or her mind . Until one's mind is renewed to see possibilities and good things, one can never receive good things from God.
Peace in the storm
Whatever season you are in, whatever the circumstances surrounding you, the Lord is able to give you peace, security, covering and protection. You do not have to be afraid, even in the midst of a storm. The psalmist describes this beautifully: “He who dwe
EQUIP - Where are you going?
This episode throws questions to listeners to reflect on their journey in life.
I choose you
This episode talks about what to lookout for when choosing a life partner.