Latest Episodes

hot cheeto girl speaks mandarin.
March 26, 2021

our funniest episode yet. we featured our friend nikki and compared our miami experiences, nikki taught us how to count in mandarin and we compared how we say things in our countries. 

sleeping on cancel culture.
March 19, 2021

day light savings time change has us very slow. todays episode was chill, perfect to lay back zone out, somehow charli and dixie ended up in here and so did trisha paytas, but overall we laid back an spoke it outloud.  GO VISIT OUR WEBSITE!!! 

netflix party and PSAT's.
March 12, 2021

you can finally put a voice to the name, Ana came on the podcast to help us talk about how to balance your social life and still be a good student. but of course we went a little off track and threw in some netflix party and dysfunctional friend groups.&n

Sophia gets arrested.
March 05, 2021

Real talk, corona has messed up our party life, also sophia came pretty close to a criminal record.

Miami is overrated.
February 26, 2021

the first episode was a little rocky but flowed pretty well, we ended up talking about things like strep throat, and rollercoasters.