The Lazy Perfectionist

The Lazy Perfectionist

Latest Episodes

April 06, 2021

It is through our highest self that we access the ability to manifest and communicate with GOD/SOURCE! In order to achieve alignment with our highest self we must first learn to attract we want by focusing on the positive while simultaneously trusting and

Leave me alone so that I can heal!
March 30, 2021

In the episode we explore my choice to be alone in order to heal and move forward!

Manifesting at higher levels.
March 16, 2021

In this episode we explore manifesting. Yes you can ask the universe for what you want and in many case she will deliver. However if you are not ready for it you won’t keep it! The universe can only do so much!

The heart or the ego
March 05, 2021

When we ask the universe for something we grant her permission to give it to us by any means necessary even if that creates turmoil.

Good Grief
March 02, 2021

This episode we explore how properly grieving the loss of a loved one ignites healing

Daddy Issues
February 16, 2021

Today we explore the impact of an absentee dad on my intimate relationships

Potential is an action word
February 09, 2021

In the episode we challenge the belief around potential