Tethered To The Cross
Latest Episodes
Episode 17: Ephesians 1:7-14
After a little hiatus, we finally pick up where we left off in chapter 1 of Ephesians. Please forgive us for not putting out new episodes for so long.
Episode 16: Ephesians 1:3-6
We recap last episode where we began our expedition into one of Paul's glorious prison epistles. Here we dive into the blessedness of God and his blessings that abound to us in Christ.
Episode 15: Ephesians 1:1, 2 The Greeting
We are beginning the study of our study in the letter of Paul to the church in Ephesus. Believed to be written around A.D. 60-62 during a year house arrest in Rome. Much will be drawn out from these first two verses, Lord willing it will be a blessing.
Episode 14: Ephesians: An Introduction
For the new year we will by digging into the glorious riches of God's truth's in the letter of Paul the Apostle to the church in Ephesus. In this episode we lay down some background in the letter and give some updates on some upcoming things for 2022.
Episode 13: Thanksgiving, Worship and the Humanity of Christ
We dig into a lot this episode! From the humanity of Christ to Thanksgiving and worship and of course the gospel!
Episode 12: The Deity of Christ
Tonight we highlight the the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ and how this truth is essential to all believers to know and hold fast to.
Episode 11: Romans 9 God's Sovereignty and Man's Responsibility
Our very own Pastor Adam Powers joins us in discussing his sermon series that he preached at SonRise Community Church on Romans chapter 9.
Episode 10: The Work of Christ
What is the the work of Christ and why it is important to our gospel proclamation and our daily living as believers? We hope this episode is an encouragement to all who hear. Grace and peace of Christ be with you all.
Episode 9: We Are Back!
After a little time off from recording, Sam and Anthony updates everyone on how they spent their time off and announces some exciting things to come, if the Lord wills.
Episode 8: The Person of Christ
We will be taking the next few episodes to discuss the doctrine of Christ or Christology.