CraftHaze Pod - The love for UK Craft beer

CraftHaze Pod - The love for UK Craft beer

Latest Episodes

CraftHaze talk (and try) Brewery Exclusive vs their Supermarket offering
May 27, 2021

We've recently found ourselves comparing beers from UK Breweries that are available from Supermarkets vs their exclusive beers that aren't. We talk over the reasons behind the supermarket move and compare the beer by drinking one of each. Specifically loo

CraftHaze talk DIPA, after a few!
April 27, 2021

After our first Podcast, we decided to give it another go. This time it was much later than planned so we were under the influence a little. Really good fun talking about the DIPA or the Imperial IPA. Our own history of drinking this style of beer and wha

CraftHaze Inaugural Podcast!
February 26, 2021

The 3 of us (CraftHaze) introduce our craft beer shop and how we all got into craft beer! We also drink 3 great craft beers from breweries LHG, Turning Point and Full Circle. Come join us on our Craft beer journey talking all things craft beer. This inaug