Stay Wyld
Latest Episodes
WTF AM I DOING? (and other self-empowering thoughts)
Today I explore the fact that you’re perfect.
Stay Open… to Curiosity
How our open acceptance to what is can deliver unlimited possibilities.
What do you FEEL?
How tapping deeper into FEELING what you feel in each moment independent of your own story will benefit your connection with ALL relationships.
How I learned about Pleasure from Dogs
What percentage of your personal pleasure do you choose on a regular basis? 10%? 30%? 90%? This episode is about how Dogs (in particular) taught me about embracing more PLEASURE.
Agenda v Wonder
How can we release our death grip of “Agenda” and open our palm to Wide-Eyed Wonder?
Things & Stuff & Silliness
Sharing thoughts and things about this silly game we call "Life"