Trickeu Podcast (Season 4)
Latest Episodes
#37 - Bolsonaro e Johnny Deep - Chi è più stupido?
Today we will be talking about the stupid cases of bolsonaro and johnny deep
#35 - La storia di Bagno di Romagna
Today we will be talking about Bagno di Romagna
#34 - Notizie Italiane 4 - COVID e USA
Today we will be talking about the italian news from yesterday
#33 - Notizie Italiane 3 - Il Decreto COVID e Kazakstan
Today we will be talking about some greenpasseus and manifestanti
#32 - Goodnighteu soundeus for my baby
Today I will be giving my baby a goodnighteu for my baby to listen whenever he needs
#30 - Notizie Italiane 2 - Petrolio, Antisemitismo e Viaggio
Today we will be taking a look on what happened in the italian news this weekend
Special Episode - Meditation with my baby
Today we will be meditating with my baby
#29 - Notizie dall'Italia 1: Erupzione, Ambiente e Grammys
Today we will be talking about 3 Italian news