Nuggets of Truth
Latest Episodes
#16 - What to do When Life is Broken?
No one is granted immunity from the hardships of life. Whether it's the death of a loved one, prolonged physical illness, or the loss of a job- suffering strikes us all. Join us today as we chat about what to do when life is broken. Show Notes: Website: a
#15 - How to Disagree
Often times we find ourselves in the middle of a heated disagreement not even knowing how we got there. Join us today as we talk about some of the pitfalls, we might fall into, in the process of disagreeing and how to disagree in a way that allows the rel
#14 - How Can You Know the Will of God? Part 2
Today we are continuing our discussion on how do I know God's will for my life? Whether you are young, old or in between, this question has relevance. God's Word has provided us wisdom- nuggets of truth to help us! Join us today as we chat about how we ca
#13 - How Can You Know the Will of God?
Finding God's will for us should be easy- I mean we love Jesus, right? But somehow in the midst of questioning we find ourselves unsure about what we are to do. Join us today as we chat about the dilemma of knowing God's Will. Show Notes: Website: authora
#8 - The Secret of Contentment
Often transitions in life can spring discontentment; moves, new babies, a difficult work situation, or hard things with kids. Sometimes it starts from comparison- if I just had her ability to eat whatever she wants and stay thin or just had that talent he
# 12 - How to Keep From Being Bone-Tired
So many areas of our lives can cause us to feel tired, drained and sometimes down right exhausted. Being weary is part of every human’s experience. Whether you are a student, a working adult, a young parent, or a well-seasoned Grandparent, you have
#11 - Swimming Upstream
Often we can find ourselves swimming upstream when most of our world is swimming in the opposite direction. Join us today as we chat about how to find the endurance to swim against a strong current in a way that makes much of Jesus. Show Notes: Website:
#10 - Shining Ever So Brightly
Shining like bright lights means letting the fruit of love, joy, peace, etc.... spill out all over our lives. The Spirit's fruit in a growing believers life is so bright and brilliant; humanity will take notice, especially against the backdrop of a muddie
#9 - How to be ALL IN
In today's episode, we are chatting about what it looks like to be ALL-IN as a Christian. Not one toe in, not half in, but ALL-IN. Is this even possible? Paul seemed to think so when he wrote these words, "And I am certain, that God who began a good
#7- What To Do with Fear
Our world is full of things that can cause fear to well up inside us, but the Bible tells us that in Jesus, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Join us today as we talk about the answer to the