Solon Speaks
Latest Episodes
Nov 29 2022
To start off this episode of Solon Speaks we share some city news. In city news we talk about bathroom closers in the parks. We have a fun fact about thanksgiving. We will be working to reach out to area businesses and we will work on having that segment
Link to School District's Calendar - Visit our website to see all of our episodes!
This week we continued our Phenomenal Figure interview with Liz King! Visit our website to see all of our episodes!
This week we have part one of our interview with Liz King, who is new at the Solon Public Library. In today's episode, she talks about her life journey and how she got to where she was. Stay tuned to next week's episode to hear her talk about upcoming eve
This week we talked about the new business, The Brass Fountain and a lot more things going on within Solon! Visit our website to see all of our episodes!
This week's episode will be very short due to Spring Break approaching. We hope you all stay safe and healthy while having fun over Spring Break. Visit our website to see all of our episodes!