Beyond Fitness Podcast
Latest Episodes
#51. Would You Rather.. Food & Fitness Edition
In this episode we have a bit of fun with a would you rather food & fitness episode. Nothing super valuable here just some chit chat that hopefully you find entertaining.
#50. Chatting All Things Genetics & Our Photoshoots
In this episode we chatted about how the lead up to our photoshoots are going as Jake enters a few days from his and Kate 1 month away.. We also chatted around genetics for all things health & fitness.
#49 Meet Our New Coach.
Meet our new coach Katie. Hear about her journey into the industry and her own fitness journey so far. What we think she'll bring to the team and our plans.
#48. Our Biggest Mistakes In Our Fitness Journey's SO FAR!!
In this episode we go over our 2 biggest mistakes each on our fitness journey's so far! We also touch on dieting for summer and the infamous delayed gratification if you're looking to lose fat, build muscle, tone up or just kill it in any area of life!!
#47 Why You Need To Be More Negative.
This week we're talking about why the focus on the positives mindset is setting you up to fail with your health & fitness journey. We also covered how to be more consistent in the gym and with your nutrition and Jake gave an update on his photo shoot
#46 Q&A Episode. Are you getting protein intake wrong? Does muscle soreness matter?
We get into some juicy fitness & health questions from you guys and go in depth on: - Muscle soreness as a measure of a good workout. - If you're getting protein intake wrong and how to nail it for the best results from your nutrition. - How we eat ou
It's The Remix! We're Back!!
Little bit of a chinwag and an update on what we've been up to since our last podcast and some things we've changed in our business.
#44. Rapid Fat Loss: Yes Or No & Why
In this episode we chatted through aggressive fat loss and when it is or isn't appropriate for people. Ryan's Instagram: Jake's Instagram: Kate's Instagram: https:
#43. All About Mindset. Common issues, what to focus on, is it really important?
In this episode we chatted through mindset and some issues we see with mindset when people are embarking on any kind of fitness or weight loss journey. Ryan's Instagram: Jake's Instagram: https://www.instagram
#42. Habits For A Successful Transformation Of Any Kind
We had a catch up with the whole team and chatted about some of the habits that our most successful clients go through. As always please comment, like, share and subscribe. Ryan's Instagram: Jake's Instag