Big Lies

Big Lies

Latest Episodes

The End: Chapter 17
April 16, 2021

Reverend Tyrone Alvin regains consciousness in 2020 to discover that chief enabler Trump has been defeated and Black Lives Matter is the rallying cry of all concerned Americans. --- Support this podcast:

Buckshot: Chapter 16
April 16, 2021

At "The Just Perished Hospital" Reverend Tyrone Alvin is given too much anesthesia in preparation for the buckshot removal and must be put into a medically induced coma to save his brain. The Rev doesn't regain consciousness until 2020. --- Support thi

Black Lives Matter: Chapter 15
April 16, 2021

Reverend Tyrone Alvin preaches that it's not open season on black men. Black Lives Matter. The angry crowd arrives and Rev Alvin makes a quick escape on motorboat but not before his backside is peppered with buckshot. --- Support this podcast: https://

Pre-Rally: Chapter 14
April 16, 2021

The angry crowd prepares to interrupt Reverend Tyrone Alvin's Black Lives Matter Rally at Astronaut Park in Titusville. --- Support this podcast:

The Observers
April 16, 2021

Sam hears about Reverend Alvin's Rally from Bryson and plans to attend after a morning of work at the Mosquito Lagoon making oyster shell mats. --- Support this podcast:

Chapter 12-Ice Bucket Bar Meeting
March 06, 2021

Stand Your Ground has turned into a She said,He said Case. MSNBC's Reverend Tyrone Alvin will have a Civil Rights Rally at the park on The Indian River in town. --- Support this podcast:

Chapter 11- Crystal Gives Leroy $5.
March 06, 2021

Sunny has been arrested for shooting an unarmed youth. --- Support this podcast:

Chapter 10- East Florida State College
March 06, 2021

The Students learn about The Harry and Harriette Memorial Park near bye. It is dedicated to the Civil Rights workers who were killed on Christmas Eve in the 1950s. Their little yellow house replica sits there to immortalize that tragic day in the 1950s.

Chapter 9- Mosquito Lagoon
March 04, 2021

Bryson jokes with a Birder --- Support this podcast:

Chapter 8-Meet Sheriff Crabtree
March 04, 2021

A meeting between Samantha and FBI agent Rodriguez aka Professor --- Support this podcast: