Preaching, teaching the word of God, while discerning for righteousness of them.

Preaching, teaching the word of God, while discerning for righteousness of them.

Latest Episodes

Live talk clip with Peacemeeker and the unknowable Gawd.
June 07, 2022

Just relating to where the conversation may leads to, usually leads to God, his son, and the Holy Ghost.

Prophetic Word of the LORD about the seven Spirits of the LORD
October 10, 2021

Teachings of the seven spirits of the LORD.

A variety of True Christian American Music, in the name of Jesus Christ.
October 06, 2021

This is an example of a variety coming together as true Americans. For God is our God.

Jesse Morrell
October 01, 2021

The Preacher of Righteousness of God. For nearly 20 years of his ministry

A stern word from the Lord Jesus Christ
September 25, 2021

A true prophet a God Sadhu Selvaraj

My first all Christian Panel Live Talk on Stereo. Up to four people engaging in this chat. Enjoy.
September 08, 2021

The first caller in seeking for the truth and was given to him only wise God in truth. Then meet two virtuous sisters who have a zeal of God.

Live talk on Stereo with the body of Christ, everyone according to our purpose. I thank God for this
September 04, 2021

It’s amazing to the will of God and how God is perfected in us by Holy Ghost.

Three Persons Panel in Live Broadcast on Stereo. This is a new updated feature allows more than two.
August 28, 2021

We were all trying to understanding each other understanding for what was spoken and it was different in this case, to where we did not complete the topic explanation of an idea.

Standing up for the truth in God’s perfect word. Believe in Christ Jesus over a false religion
August 28, 2021

This conversation details of each others ways, and see how we forbear each other during our talk in this live battle broadcast, and one you do want to miss out. Whosoever has an ear let them hear what the spirits are talking about in the seven Churches.

Live Talk Show with Peacemeeker and Hezhandz who is cursed by the Law of Righteousness in O.T.
August 27, 2021

Content warning of bad words which is the language of the father of lies, who is the Devil. This is absolutely the first time we have spoken to each other. So I use this platform to help me be perfected in God’s ways and the Holy Ghost teaches all things