

Latest Episodes

Engaging Members into Service
September 29, 2021

How do you get your church members involved? By allowing them to dream and to serve. In this podcast, our host, Jose Cortes Jr., talks to Paulo Macena about finding creative ways to involve members in service and the importance of encouraging them to drea

Refugees in the Room
September 17, 2021

Get ready to be stretched as Jose and Gabriela Phillips explore the lives and needs of refugees in our cities and communities across North America. What can your local church do to bless these refugee families who have recently arrived? How many refugees

Transformational Evangelism vs Transactional Evangelism
August 20, 2021

Learn whether you and your church are doing transformational evangelism or transactional evangelism. What are the differences, and the pros and cons of each. Jose and guest John Boston II’s relevant and fun interaction on Connection Points will also help

Present Truth Only Through Present Trust
August 06, 2021

Jose and Dustin Hall dive deep into some principles that will keep your church from becoming irrelevant. They go into how “our message” is something that helps us to lead people to a person, who is Jesus, not just a code of truth, that when referred to as

When your church hits rock bottom
July 22, 2021

Jose and Volunteer Lay Pastor, Patty Crouch reflect on the story of revitalization of a small church in the town of Perry, Florida. They talk about how Jesus died for people, not for suit and ties and the importance of serving the community right where th

Revitalize your community, not just your church
June 29, 2021

Jose and David Franklin hash out how relationships create the space for discipleship. They emphasize the concept of creating mutually responsible relationships in the community, which lead to not only revitalizing your church, but the community. Learn how

Survival should not be your mission statement
June 18, 2021

Jose and Tim Gillespie talk about how Crosswalk Church in Redlands, California, went from 85 to 2,000 in attendance in one of the most awesome recent stories of church revitalization. They also discuss the importance of loving well and the changes the chu

Building trust with the Community
June 04, 2021

Today our guest Jerome Hurst passionately talks about building bridges through collaboration. Collaboration is a big buzzword today. But how do we work together? How do we come together as a group or as a community to build those bridges? How do we follow

Help! My church is growing old and gray
March 08, 2021

Jose and Allan Martin explore six commitments that could help your church to keep, reach, and unleash a powerful and spiritual younger generation for mission and ministry right in your local church. Based on sound research, they affirm that while most chu

Is this the Acts of Kindness Church?
March 08, 2021

Jose and Michael Dauncey passionately chat about what it takes for a church to be know as the “Acts of Kindness Church” in its city. How to make it happen? How do you find the needs in your community? How often should you venture out and serve? And who do