Hentai Club's Biannual Podcast

Hentai Club's Biannual Podcast

Latest Episodes

HCBAPC 5: Hentai Club Iceberg (Final Episode)
October 03, 2022

After missing one episode and taking a year long break, Hentai Club joins together one last time to record the final episode of the Biannual Podcast. In preparation for the final episode a Hentai Club iceberg was created and today everything will be share

HCBAPC 4: What's a Beverage?
August 14, 2021

The topic: beverages.  What are they?  What is your favorite?  What is the best?  These questions and more topics such as Kenny's Shrigma Male status will be discussed in the 2021 summer episode of the Hentai Club's Biannual Podcast. &

HCBAPC 3: Liberal Arts vs. STEM
February 25, 2021

We have been gone seven months, but we are back with a rebrand. Say goodbye to Hentai Club's P*gcast and say hello to Hentai Club's Biannual Podcast. The new schedule is as follows: one episode in the winter, one episode in the summer. In today's episode

HCBAPC 2: Favorite Words
February 24, 2021

After Hentai Club's first episode, we spent hundreds of seconds creating a document with ideas for the next podcast. Today the hosts share those ideas. Featuring special guest Lucas.

HCBAPC 1: High School Stories
February 24, 2021

In this episode of the Hentai Club's Biannual Podcast, the four most popular kids in their high school class of 2018 discussed their most enjoyable moments from their years at SPMS. HAGS! Featuring special guest Golimar.