Two Japanese Guys in TOKYO

Two Japanese Guys in TOKYO

Latest Episodes

Digging Deeper into four-character phrases “Onko-Chishin” | 四字熟語深堀「温故知新」
April 04, 2022

The words used in this episode and their meanings are summarized here. --- Twitterアカウントはこちら Here is the app we offer Spliito - Calculate Complex Splits in Seconds

Skin care habits of Japanese men | 日本人男性のスキンケア事情
March 31, 2022

The words used in this episode and their meanings are summarized here. --- Twitterアカウントはこちら Here is the app we offer Spliito - Calculate Complex Splits in Seconds

Why do Japanese people like masks? | なぜ日本人はマスクが好きなのか?
March 28, 2022

The words used in this episode and their meanings are summarized here. Isn't Japan the country with the largest population of masks in the world, regardless of coronavirus? Why do Japanese people like to wear masks so much? I will e

What kind of ramen do Japanese people usually eat and how often? | 日本人は普段どんなラーメンをどれくらい食べてる?
March 24, 2022

The words used in this episode and their meanings are summarized here. Japan has the most ramen restaurants in the world, but what kind of ramen do Japanese people living there usually eat and how often? 日本は世界で最もラーメン店が多い国だと思いますが、そこに

What do Japanese think about "religion"? | 日本人は「宗教」についてどう考えているのか?
March 22, 2022

The words used in this episode and their meanings are summarized here. Japanese people are almost never conscious about religion in their daily lives and do not know what religion they follow. 日本人は日常生活の中でほぼ宗教に関して意識したことがないし、自分が何の宗教を信

Japanese snacks recommended by Japanese | 日本人がおすすめする日本のお菓子
March 17, 2022

The words used in this episode and their meanings are summarized here. Compared to other countries, Japan offers a wide variety of snacks. Here are some of the most common snacks eaten by Japanese people. 他の国と比べて日本では多種多様なお菓子が販売されている

Meaningless school regulations in Japanese schools | 日本の学校の意味不明な校則
March 13, 2022

The words used in this episode and their meanings are summarized here. Many Japanese school regulations are unintelligible and may be difficult for foreigners to understand. Many of them are incomprehensible even to Japanese people.

What is the culture of White Day in Japan? | 日本の"ホワイトデー"という文化とは?
March 10, 2022

The words used in this episode and their meanings are summarized here. --- Twitterアカウントはこちら Here is the app we offer Spliito - Calculate Complex Splits in Seconds

How did native Japanese learn honorifics? | 日本人はどうやって敬語を勉強したのか?
March 06, 2022

The words used in this episode and their meanings are summarized here. 日本人にとっても敬語は難しいものなので、外国人で勉強している方は日本人も全員ちゃんと話せないということを知っておいてほしいです Honorifics are difficult even for Japanese, so if you are a foreigner studying Japanese, please k

A Japanese who has lived in Tokyo for more than 10 years recommends the best place to live | 東京に10年以上住む日本人がオススメする住みやすい街
March 03, 2022

The words used in this episode and their meanings are summarized here. --- Twitterアカウントはこちら Here is the app we offer Spliito - Calculate Complex Splits in Seconds