TTLB Chat (The Three Lost Boardies Chat)

TTLB Chat (The Three Lost Boardies Chat)

Latest Episodes

de-stressing with ttlb chat || ep.7
March 03, 2021

HELLOOOO and welcome to TTLB Chat ... we are a group of passionate pioneers hoping to create space for raw, honest conversation between friends. Our mission is to be authentic and share our life experiences and perspective with others. At times silly, fri

setting boundaries with TTLB Chat || ep. 6
February 24, 2021

HELLOOOO and welcome to TTLB Chat ... we are a group of passionate pioneers hoping to create space for raw, honest conversation between friends. Our mission is to be authentic and share our life experiences and perspective with others. At times silly, fri

beauty standards with TTLB Chat || ep. 5
February 17, 2021

HELLOOOO and welcome to TTLB Chat ... we are a group of passionate pioneers hoping to create space for raw, honest conversation between friends. Our mission is to be authentic and share our life experiences and perspective with others. At times silly, fri

love languages and deal-breakers w/TTLB Chat || ep. 4
February 10, 2021

HELLOOOO and welcome to TTLB Chat ... we are a group of passionate pioneers hoping to create space for raw, honest conversation between friends. Our mission is to be authentic and share our life experiences and perspective with others. At times silly, fri

student leadership & student involvement with TTLB || ep.3
February 09, 2021

HELLOOOO and welcome to TTLB Chat ... we are a group of passionate pioneers hoping to create space for raw, honest conversation between friends. Our mission is to be authentic and share our life experiences and perspective with others. At times silly, fri

women in higher ed/career pathways/degrees with TTLB Chat || ep. #2
February 04, 2021

HELLOOOO and welcome to TTLB Chat ... we are a group of passionate pioneers hoping to create space for raw, honest conversation between friends. Our mission is to be authentic and share our life experiences and perspective with others. At times silly, fri

welcome to the ttlb chat podcast || ep. #1
January 24, 2021

HELLOOOO and welcome to TTLB Chat ... we are a group of passionate pioneers hoping to create space for raw, honest conversation between friends. Our mission is to be authentic and share our life experiences and perspective with others. At times silly, fri