Hope & Anchor Community Church

Hope & Anchor Community Church

Latest Episodes

HOW TO REMAIN BLESSED | Preaching 13.08.2023 (Christian Vargas)
August 15, 2023

These are the scripture being referenced: Psalms 1:1-3 Matthew 5:3-11 Romans 12:2 Psalms 1:1 Genisis 49:22-26 Stay Connected https://www.hopeandanchor.org/ https://www.facebook.com/Hopeandanchorchurch/ https://www.instagram.com/hopeandanchorcommunitychur

THAT IMPOSSIBLE THING | Preaching 6.08 2023 (Christian Vargas)
August 09, 2023

Have you ever looked at your life and said “God, I just don’t know”? In life there will be mountains…but the beauty about our faith is that Jesus is with us on the mountain. Can you name your mountain? Can you name your impossible and are you asking G

EXPOSED 2 | Preaching 30.07.2023 (Christian Vargas)
August 01, 2023

These are the scripture being referenced: Acts 3 : 3-6, 11-12, 16 Stay Connected https://www.hopeandanchor.org/ https://www.facebook.com/Hopeandanchorchurch/ https://www.instagram.com/hopeandanchorcommunitychurch/ To support this ministry and help us co

EXPOSED TO NEXT | Preaching 23.07.2023 (Christian Vargas)
July 25, 2023

These are the scripture being referenced: 1 Corinthians 13:9-12 Exodus 14, 16 Genesis 37 1 Samuel 16 Stay Connected https://www.hopeandanchor.org/ https://www.facebook.com/Hopeandanchorchurch/ https://www.instagram.com/hopeandanchorcommunitychurch/ To

THE LAST WORD | Preaching 16.07.2023 (Peri Agazzani)
July 18, 2023

In this message we talk about how our own understanding and self-righteousness can blind us from the true character and justice of God. How can we allow this tension to produce kingdom in us and those around us? These are the scripture being referenced: J

THE TREASURE | Preaching 09.07.2023 (Christian Vargas)
July 11, 2023

These are the scriptures being referenced: 2 Corinthians 4:5-11 (NIV) James 1:16-17 (ESV) 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 Stay Connected https://www.hopeandanchor.org/ https://www.facebook.com/Hopeandanchorchurch/ https://www.instagram.com/hopeandanchorcommunitychur

Walk On | Preaching 25.06.2023 (Christian Vargas)
July 04, 2023

These are the scriptures being referenced: Daniel 3 Stay Connected https://www.hopeandanchor.org/ https://www.facebook.com/Hopeandanchorchurch/ https://www.instagram.com/hopeandanchorcommunitychurch/

THE MIDDLE | Preaching 25.06.2023 (Christian Vargas)
June 27, 2023

These are the scriptures being referenced: Joshua 4:4-7 Stay Connected https://www.hopeandanchor.org/ https://www.facebook.com/Hopeandanchorchurch/ https://www.instagram.com/hopeandanchorcommunitychurch/ To support this ministry and help us continue to

I SAW YOU | Preaching 18.06.2023 (Christian Vargas)
June 20, 2023

These are the scriptures being referenced: Luke 15:20 Stay Connected https://www.hopeandanchor.org/ https://www.facebook.com/Hopeandanchorchurch/ https://www.instagram.com/hopeandanchorcommunitychurch/ To support this ministry and help us continue to re

UNLOCK | Preaching 11.06.2023 (Christian Vargas)
June 13, 2023

These are the scriptures being referenced:Acts 12:1-11Stay Connectedhttps://www.hopeandanchor.org/https://www.facebook.com/Hopeandanchorchurch/https://www.instagram.com/hopeandanchorcommunitychurch/To support this ministry and help us continue to reach pe