Alive Writer's Society Poetry Podcast

Alive Writer's Society Poetry Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 6 - Anik Khan
March 19, 2021

A seasonal, weekly podcast, presented by the members of Alive Writer's Society, in partnership with Dots Publications.  ---  In Partnership with Dots Publications  Intro Music: They Say by Unminus https://sound

Episode 5 - Biruni Hariadi
March 12, 2021

A seasonal, weekly podcast, presented by the members of Alive Writer's Society, in partnership with Dots Publications.  ---  In Partnership with Dots Publications​​ Intro Music: They Say by Unminus https://soundclou

Episode 4 - Ehsan A. Mehedi
February 26, 2021

Virtual Gravity Ehsan. A. Mehedi I make good coffee, I love leaning against the window panes. The coffee tastes bad today, The window panes are stony today— Today I touch your cold smooth skin, You flatten your lips, then a smile, And a kiss. The warmth a

Episode 3 - Zannatul Ferdous Tulona
February 19, 2021

A Scarecrow and All the Love in the World Zannatul Ferdous Tulona   And I waited and waited with a bouquet  made from All the Love in the World, as time rustled at my feet, growing restless as snow, hail and heaven crash landed on me  

Episode 2 - Rushlan S. Murshed
February 12, 2021

A seasonal, weekly podcast, presented by the members of Alive Writer's Society, in partnership with Dots Publications.   Episode 2:   Bird on The Sill Rushlan Shabib Murshed   The water kept running The painter stood still The balloon swa

Episode 1 - Zach Klebaner
February 05, 2021

Aimless Rise — poem by Zach Klebaner The blanket is removed. The phone is checked. 4 PM. It’s time to get you from daycare. I’m hungry as hell, and honestly, Still tired. I slip into sandals. Start the stride down the road. The birds chirp like an awa