Exiles & Protectors

Exiles & Protectors

Latest Episodes

Episode 10: The Violated & The Compliant
May 08, 2021

Have you ever felt obligated to have sex with your partner?   Like you owed it to them?   Do you feel as if prioritizing your own sexual pleasure would be selfish?  If so, listen in for some insight.

Episode 9: The Sex Object & The Asexual Dresser
May 01, 2021

Were you taught that it was your responsibility, as a woman, to protect yourself from being sexually harassed?  Did you ever try to minimize your femininity to avoid sexual attention?  Have you ever decided against wearing something that you rea

Episode 8: The Wounded Wife & The Angry Ex
April 23, 2021

Are you still holding on to anger from old wounds?  Do you keep replaying incidents in your mind and wish you could go back and deal with them differently?  Is your anger getting in the way of your happiness.  If so, listen in for some insi

Episode 7: The Unqualified Parent & "The Turducken"
April 10, 2021

Are you frustrated that your children aren't following the path that you imagined for them?  Have you been called an overprotective parent?  Do your children seem unappreciative of your efforts to make life easier for them?  If so, listen i

Episode 6: The Abandoned & The Stage 5 Clinger
March 28, 2021

Does your partner ever tell you that you are suffocating them?  Are you constantly worried about how secure your relationship is, even though your partner hasn't given you any reason to doubt them?  Do you ever worry that you will end up alone s

Episode 5: The Emotionally Abused & The Wallbuilder
March 20, 2021

Do people say that you are emotionally unavailable?  Are you uncomfortable discussing feelings?  Do you feel nervous letting people see "the real you"?  Listen in for a little insight.  

Episode 4: The Physically Abused & The Volcano
March 20, 2021

Do you find yourself quick to anger?  Do you explode at the drop of a hat?  Have people told you that you have a seriously bad temper?  Do you end up driving people away because they can't deal with your rage?  Listen in for some insig

Episode 3: The Terrified Child & The Doormat
March 06, 2021

Are you a people-pleaser?  Do you go out of your way to appease others at the expense of your own feelings?  Do you feel like you have to walk on eggshells around certain people?  Listen in for some insight.

Episode 2: The Empath & The Savior
March 02, 2021

 Are you compelled to help others when they don't want your help?   Do people tell you to back off as a result?  Do you continuously date people with "damage" so that you can "fix" them?  If so, listen in for some insight.

Episode 1: The Untethered & The Dictator
March 01, 2021

Do people ever accuse you of being too rigid?  Of not accepting others' points of view?   Of insisting on doing things your own way?  If so, listen in for some insight.