Miss Motivational
Latest Episodes
Pushing Through
Pushing through our obstacles, adversities, worries, sadness, etc, & staying uplifted, encouraged, & prayed up!!
Proving that Enough is ENOUGH by putting an end to bad relationships, negativity, mistreatment, abuse, etc.
Discussing the Toxic people, things, and situations we may allow in our lives and how we can eliminate toxicity within ourselves...
Level Up
Discussing the Importance of "Leveling Up" by Elevating on Every Level in Your Life, in Order to Reach and Obtain Success!
Single Parenting
Discussing "Single Parenting" and the positive actions we as parents should implement with our children to help them live loving, positive, and productive lives!
Sitting On Top Of The World
Have "tunnel vision" in regards with Your Ambitions & Goals; don't take your focus off of what you Aspire to do!
Persevere & Be Optimistic
Being hopeful, speaking positively, and acknowledging your Purpose & Destiny in Life are Promising through your Actions!
Dysfunctional Relationships
Believing in yourself and stepping up to do the right thing in regards to the "Relationships" you have & will encounter throughout Life