I.Ro.Ha. online

I.Ro.Ha. online

Latest Episodes

Japanese syllabary 2021.3.15
March 15, 2021

To learners of Japanese This is spoken in easy-to-understand Japanese 五十音 ごじゅうおん / 北原白秋 きたはら はくしゅう あめんぼ あかいな アイウエオ うきもに こえびも およいでる かきのき くりのき カキクケコ きつつき こつこつ かれけやき ささげに すをかけ サシスセソ そのうお あさせで さしました たちましょ らっぱで タチツテト トテトテ タッタと とびたった なめくじ のろのろ ナニヌネノ な

Japan, a small island country
February 23, 2021

About Japan in easy Japanese [Broadcast in easy Japanese to Japanese learners] Japan may be unexpectedly large...There is no time zone in Japan, but there is a time difference of 2 hours between the eastern end and the western end.

Brief self-introduction and future plans
February 22, 2021

To you who are studying Japan This is a podcast of "Iroha Online" that speaks in easy Japanese. Delivered mainly on what is popular and talked about in Japan, Stay tuned for future deliveries!