Jesus is My Jam

Jesus is My Jam

Latest Episodes

Summa summa summa time!
June 20, 2023

School’s out and there’s so much to do! In this episode I’m sharing Father’s Day Experiences, Christian realizations, and my verdict on The Little Mermaid!

Spring Break and Easter weekend!
April 23, 2023

Come on in y’all! Chill and listen to my usual ramblings on life. Don’t forget to answer my pill question or DM me if you have comments!

Prayer Life, Valentines Day, and all the things!
February 24, 2023

It’s 2023!!! In this episode I’m sharing my prayer life experience, or the lack thereof. As usual I’m sharing the hilarious ups and downs of my roller coaster life, but I wouldn’t change a thing!

Merry Christmas y’all!
December 23, 2022

OK so nobody was going to tell me how potty training being so hard?!! Go get some eggnog and cookies, while you listen to my preschool woes!

It’s Fall Y’all
October 12, 2022

Yep! School is well underway and we are on our first break of the year! Let’s talk school, women’s fitness, the joys of moving…not lol!

Summer is ova for me! My summer break in a nutshell!
July 10, 2022

Yep, back to school I go! Listen as I share my recent Bible readings, how I spent my summer, and of course details on my never ending health journey!

Mother’s Day and Surviving the last days of the school!
May 20, 2022

Join me as I talk intermittent fasting, the end of the school year, and more!

Mental Health and my favorite YouTubers
March 08, 2022

Mental Health matters y’all! Listen to my come to Jesus moments about taking initiative for my self care. Then listen to me gab about my favorite YouTubers, they’re fire !!!!

The holidays are here!
December 24, 2021

This episode is about everything guys: teaching,therapy,and the holiday season. Listen and laugh!

Family and fasting
October 12, 2021

Hey Fam, this is a heavy one but a blessed one indeed! Get your pumpkin spice latte and tune in to what God is doing!