Picking Up Loose Threads
Latest Episodes
‘Celebration or Appropriation? Culture in the Fashion Industry’
Hey guys!! This is episode 10 of my podcast ‘Picking Up Loose Threads’ AKA the season 1 finale
Hot girl summer dos and don’ts!
Welcome back to Picking Up Loose Threads!! This is episode 9 where I talk to you guys about some trends and things to avoid this summer in terms of fashion. Disclaimer: this is all my opinion, not trying to force it on anyone, just sharing! Have a great d
Get to know the girl who picks up the loose threads (+more!)
This episode I mainly aimed to answer some requests sent in on my Instagram page (@mangomimosaofcourse) so this ranges from getting to know me to some DIY tips, and I introduced a new segment at the end!! This episode was a little bit all over the place b
DI- Y making your own clothes is so popular
Hi guys I’m back! This is episode 7 of my podcast ‘Picking up loose threads’ and today I talked about the benefits of making / up cycling your clothes. I touched on advantages, disadvantages, and other ways to help. I really enjoyed talking about this tod
What to wear and where to buy: Summer 2021 trends
Hi guys! This episode I talked about spring and summer trends for 2021. I mentioned what I thought of them, where you can buy them, some people I’ve seen wearing them and discussed Pinterest boards I’ve made surrounding the trends. My Pinterest is @makant
Gender-bender fashion is the new skinny jeans
Hi everyone! This is episode 5 of my podcast ‘Picking up loose threads.’ Today I talked about gender stereotypes in fashion and lots of things we’ve normalized as a society and why. I hope you loved it as much as I loved recording it! Message me on Instag
Healthy Habits: Happy mind, Happy life
Hi everyone! I wanted to take a diversion from everything fashion and talk today about habits that you can incorporate into your life to make that positive change in your daily routine. I also talked about ways to stay motivated and realizing that it’s yo
Is it trendy to be trendy?
Hi everyone! This episode I talked anotó fashion trends and are they really worth it? I covered a lot of areas here- my longest podcast yet! (By 3 minutes) so I hope you like it. Message me on Instagram @mangomimosaofcourse and tell me what you think. Sta
Thrifting 101: Buy it cheap, wear it chic
Hi guys! Welcome back to my podcast ‘Picking up loose threads.’ This is the second episode called, ‘Thrifting 101: Buy it cheap, wear it chic.’ Today I talked about thrifting tips, the controversy with thrifting, my personal experience and sustainability
Confidence is the best accessory
Hi! I’m Maia and this is my podcast ‘Picking up loose threads’ In this episode, I wanted to talk to you about confidence and feeling confident in your clothes and your own style- not what anyone else tells you have to wear to ‘fit in.’ This is my first ep