2015-4th Qt. Premillennialism -ipad

2015-4th Qt. Premillennialism -ipad

151104 Lesson 5 - Premillennialism - Kingdom Prophecies and Rejection of Jesus

November 05, 2015

Introduction: Premillennialist “rejection theory” says that Christ came to set up an earthly kingdom but He was rejected by the Jews and put it off. As a result of the rejection of Jews of Christ’s earthly kingdom, the church was substituted as an entirely new concept given to man, not found in the Old Testament. Thus, the Premillennialist refers to the “church age” as a parenthesis, (___): a “mystery gap” that must run from the coming of Christ to the second coming when the kingdom will be established. We need to understand the Biblical position versus theories.Premillennial Position: (Late Great Planet Earth, pg. 31) "...many rejected him because they were looking' for a great conqueror. They were looking for a political leader who would deliver them from Roman oppression." (Late Great Planet Earth, pg. 29) "Why did the majority of the Jewish people...reject Jesus? They took very literally the portrait of the Messiah who would come as their reigning King." (Late Great Planet Earth, pg. 29) "..there has come a Jew who claimed to be the Messiah. He fulfilled many of the ancient predictions but was rejected by those who should have recognized Him." (Kingdom of God, pg. 46) Bolls said the kingdom was "...automatically deferred until the time when the nation (of Israel) would acknowledge Jesus Christ and be forgiven." “The purpose of the writing of the Gospel of Matthew was to record the presentation of Jesus Christ as Messiah (1:1-11:1), to trace the opposition to Him and his offered kingdom by the nation (11:2-16:2), and to record the official and final rejection of that King and kingdom by Israel (16:13-28:20)” (Things to Come, Pentecost, J. Dwight, Grand Rapids, Zondervan Publishing House, 1964, p.456). “Because the nation has rejected Him, the Lord announces the severance of every natural tie by which he was bound to the nation (Matt. 12:46-50). From this announcement of the Lord concerning the rejection of the nation, definite movement may be traced in the withdrawal of the offer of the kingdom. In the parables (Matt. 13:1-50) the Lord outlines the program in the development of the theocratic kingdom during the period of the King’s absence, and announces the inception of an entirely new, unheralded, and unexpected program – the church (Matt. 16:13-20). He prepares the disciples for a long delay in the kingdom program as it relates to Israel (Luke 19:11-27). He promises the second advent at which time the kingdom program with Israel will be resumed (Matt. 24:37-31), and give the nation signs that will herald His second advent (Matt. 24:4-26)” (Things to Come, Pentecost, J. Dwight, Grand Rapids, Zondervan Publishing House, 1964, p.463-464).Questions for Discussion (Biblical Position):The Rejection of the Jews:1. Was the rejection of the Jews a surprise to God? Did Isaiah say the Jews would accept or reject Jesus (IS. 53:1-4)? Note: John 12:37-38 – During the week leading up to the death of Christ (well after Matthew 12), John said the Jews fulfilled the prophecy by rejecting Jesus.2. What did the Psalmist prophecy would happen to the Messiah (Ps. 118:22-24)?3. Did the rejection of Jesus force Him to change His plans (Lk. 24:46-47)?4. Did the Jews reject Jesus (Mt. 11:21-24)?5. The Premillennialist says because of this rejection, Jesus withdrew His offer to establish an earthly kingdom and changed the “mystery of the kingdom.” Please read through Matthew 11 and the beginning of chapter 12. Do you see the change?6. After this supposed change Matthew 14:31-21 records the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000. John records the same miracle in John 6:1-13. Please read John 6:14-15. What did the Jews want to do with Jesus?  Was Jesus pleased that the Jews wanted to make Him their king (Jh. 6:15)? Why not (John. 6:26-27, 61-66)?The Kingdom was “at hand.”1. When did John say the promised kingdom was coming (Mt. 3:2)?2. When did Jesus say the promised kingdom was coming (Mk.