1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

Latest Episodes

“How to Fuel Up Your Brain” with Scott Halford
November 03, 2016

Author Scott Halford talks about the impact food and exercise have on the health of our brain. Our body manufactures none of the nutrients our brain needs to operate well every day, they all come from food, water, and exercise. On today’s show,...

“Your Brain Needs Sleep” with Scott Halford
November 02, 2016

Author Scott Halford says when it comes to the health of your brain, the captain of the ship is sleep. Whether you feel like you have time for it or not, your brain needs you to rest. You severely limit your ability to concentrate and focus when you...

“Say Goodbye to Distractions” with Scott Halford
November 01, 2016

Our whole world is busy, complicated and filled with distractions. The temptation is to multitask in order to get it all done. But our brains don’t operate that way. You can only have one conscious thought at a time – that’s it. Multi-tasking is...

“Change Your Relationship With Stress” with Scott Halford
October 31, 2016

Author Scott Halford says how you look at something can predict how your body responds to it. If you have a big proposal coming up and “sigh,” that’s an indication you’re telling yourself, “This sucks and I don’t want to do it.” But if...

“You Are The One” with Kute Blackson
October 28, 2016

So what are you waiting for? For someone to save you? If so, you’re not alone. But it’s not going to happen. Your parents won’t rescue you. Your friends won’t carry you. No one’s coming. Know why? Everything you are seeking is within you...

“Love Now” with Kute Blackson
October 27, 2016

Kute Blackson reveals the real purpose and power behind everything we do…love. But how do we bring love and peace in the world if there’s no love and peace in ourselves? How do we bring love and community in the world if there’s no love in our...

“The Master Addiction” with Kute Blackson
October 26, 2016

Kute Blackson says one of the things we have to give up to avoid suffering and be truly free is our need for control. We have to begin to distinguish the things we can change from those we cannot, and stop trying to control the things we can’t. All...

“Lose Your Mind” with Kute Blackson
October 25, 2016

Kute Blackson says our mind is constantly going. We have 65,000-75,000 thoughts a day. It’s a constant person inside of us saying, “Hey, don’t do that,” “Do that,” “Eat that ice cream,” “What’s wrong with you?” “You’re not...

“You. Are. The. One.” with Kute Blackson
October 24, 2016

Kute Blackson’s message is one we all need to hear. When you look at the world today, with all the craziness going on, we must acknowledge that the Government is not going to save you, your parents are not going to save you, your friends are not...

“The Miracle Morning For Salespeople” with Ryan Snow
October 21, 2016

There are countless books written for salespeople about various sales techniques. Most salespeople use these techniques daily, yet the majority still fail to achieve the results they want. So, what is the difference between "average" performers and...