1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

Top 10 of 2016. Number 4: Glenn Livingston

December 27, 2016

We’re counting down the top 10 episodes of 2016 on the 1 Simple Thing podcast. Today is number 4 on the list. Episode 547: Silencing Your Inner Saboteur. We hope you enjoy it and Happy New Year! Glenn Livingston says it's not that complicated, there’s you, and there's your inner saboteur. The moment you hear any voice in your head that justifies your unhealthy eating or excuses behavior that you don’t want in your life, you know that’s coming from your inner saboteur. The key is to draw solid lines in the sand and recognize the inner saboteur when it speaks. There all types of creative rules you can set up for yourself to maximize freedom and control and silence your inner saboteur.