1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

“How do we build self-love?” with Daniel Packard

November 16, 2016

Daniel Packard says life and business can be limited by fear. If you are more comfortable with yourself and have more self-love, you’re better at sales because you’re not emotionally attached to the outcome, so it puts people at ease. You’re a better leader because you can be more magnanimous, more generous, more patient, and more compassionate. You can also be more authentic. When you love yourself more, you’re more vulnerable and transparent, and people resonate to those qualities. It also allows you to think outside the box more, and be a more creative thinker because there’s no fear of rejection or failure. Ultimately, you can bring your most valuable gift to your business place which is your unique self.