1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

“Managing Your Time and Money” with Ryan Snow

October 19, 2016

Ryan Snow talks about the importance managing time and money, and how they impact our ability to become successful in sales and business. There are many things we come into contact with in business that we can't control. And when we encounter one of those situations, we have two options: either blame all the outside forces or take responsibility for ourselves and our business. Ryan says, when we start in business, we tend to have a lot more time than money. And it’s easy to waste time when we have a lot of it. So we have to become efficient at managing our time. As our business grows, we have less and less time, but more and more money. So there’s a shift that takes place, and we have to master managing our time and money, leveraging both to make our business grow.