1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

1 Simple Thing Podcast | Build a Better Business by Building a Better You!

“Why You Don’t Eat Right” with Glenn Livingston

September 26, 2016

Glenn Livingston talks about the various types of foods and eating behaviors that cause people to lose control. We all have a lizard brain, the oldest part of the brain, the brain stem. It's responsible for primitive survival instincts such as aggression and fear ("flight or fight.”) It looks at things in our environment and says, “Do I eat it, do I kill it, or do I mate with it?” But the lizard brain becomes our enemy when it latches onto a toxic food or behavior as if it’s a matter of survival. It doesn’t matter what your higher self wants. All that matters is that the lizard brain says, “I need that to survive. I need to eat that, and that’s it.”