180 Mentoring

Latest Episodes
Good Work Ethic – Episode 15
In this episode of 180 Mentoring, have I got a story for you! I know my audience appreciates stories, so listen up. Recently I had an unwelcome process which I had put off, but when I finally accomplished it the results were great. However,
Keeping Your Word – Episode 14
Sometimes the smallest opportunity for keeping your word can make one of the biggest impacts in a person’s life. This goes for anyone in a position of leadership, whether in business, parenting, or other relationships.
Leadership Professionalism – Episode 13
As a leader, you will encounter days when your calendar will be filled with commitments. Expect it. Then a request will come for your company to do work for a potential client. You know your company will not even have a chance to do the job for that pe...
New Leader / New Office – Episode 12
You’ve just been assigned to a new office or position as a team leader. What team leader skills do you need to successfully introduce yourself and begin the job? If you try to come across as though you’re amazing and you have a whole new system to impl...
Leadership Knowledge – Episode 11
What knowledge is essential for good leaders? One of the most valuable pieces of leadership knowledge you can possess is this: You don’t have to know everything to be a fantastic leader! Does that sound counter-intuitive? Let me explain.
Inspired Leadership – Episode 10
Leadership is the most important part of a team or company. Without effective leadership, everyone will struggle to reach the goal. But what makes leadership effective? In this episode of 180 Mentoring, I discuss why I think Inspired Leadership is the ...
Work To The Yes In Your Business and Leadership – Episode 9
In my many years of business leadership, I have noticed that the biggest roadblocks and frustrations that face leaders and their teams are often caused by the smallest issues. These issues are minor but when left unresolved become huge hurdles.
Become a Problem Solver – Episode 8
Problems and the workplace go hand in hand. The very nature of working with others means there will be problems. Relationship problems, business problems, workplace problems, there seems to be no end. I’d argue that without problems,
Leadership In Times of Crisis, Episode #7
Nobody really enjoys a crisis situation. But good leadership in times of crisis is what enables teams to work together effectively and efficiently to deal with the crisis wisely and well. On this episode of 180 Mentoring,
Leadership Quick Tips – Episode 6
6 Leadership Activities That Create Success, Episode #6 The leadership activities that you employ in your organization will either lead to success or failure – and you get to decide which it’s going to be. You decide by either committing to learn,