Uniquely Created

Uniquely Created

Latest Episodes

Ep. 183 - Mindflow Monday and the Loss of Change
August 09, 2021

Change can be exciting. But, with every change we leave something behind. Take 5 min to join me and let's talk about the loss side of change.

Ep. 182 - Mindflow Monday and Choose Your Attitude
July 26, 2021

Things happen. We don't always get a say. But we can determine how we react. Take 5 min to join me and let's talk about choosing our attitudes.

Ep. 181 - Mindflow Monday and Getting to Know God
July 19, 2021

Getting to know someone isn't something that just happens. It takes time, effort, and intentionality. Take 5 min to join me and let's talk about getting to know God.

Ep. 180 - Mindflow Monday and Finding Gold
July 12, 2021

While we might like things that are quick and easy, God operates in the process. Take 5 min to join me and let's talk about finding gold within.

Ep. 179 - Mindflow Monday and Same for All
June 28, 2021

Not everything in life is fair. Things aren't always even. But one thing that everyone has access to is God's forgiveness. Take 5 min to join me and let's talk about God's mercy.

Ep. 178 - Mindflow Monday and Good Deeds
June 14, 2021

We are called to serve. But sometimes in our serving, we forget that it's not about making ourselves look good, but showing someone else God's love. Take 5 min to join me and let's talk about the spir

Ep. 177 - Mindflow Monday and Distractions
June 07, 2021

Life isn't always about being laser-focused. But what happens when we get caught up in everything around us, allowing it to distract us? Take 5 min to join me and let's talk about distractions.

Ep. 176 - Mindflow Monday and Inconvenience
May 31, 2021

Not everything is convenient. But we can't allow inconveniences to stop us from moving forward. Take 5 min to join me and let's talk about inconveniences.

Ep. 175 - Mindflow Monday and Warning Lights
May 24, 2021

Some things in our lives are set to alert us when they need care, flashing warning lights. Our bodies are not one of them. Take 5 min to join me and let's talk about warning lights.

Ep. 174 - Mindflow Monday and Fresh Words
May 17, 2021

God wants to speak to us every day. However, we often don't take the time to listen. Take 5 min to join me and let's talk about fresh words from God.