Short Attention Gamer - A General Gaming Podcast

Short Attention Gamer - A General Gaming Podcast

Latest Episodes

Short Attention Gamer 153 - A Year Later
May 21, 2021

We've almost gone a full year without a show, so we get together to mostly just chat about life and stuff then eventually start talking about some video games. Maybe we'll keep this up for real this t

Short Attention Gamer 144 - Gorjest
June 12, 2019

Two weeks in a row? Amazing! We're here with the full crew to talk about the biggest event about video games not featuring Sony, E3! It's a good, fun show, with some old friends that you've missed for

Short Attention Gamer 126 - I Can See You
February 27, 2017

This was our first show back in video form. It is also now in audio form.