Voices Beyond Borders

Voices Beyond Borders

Latest Episodes

Voices Beyond Borders. Episode 5: John Patrick Omegere’s views on Africa.
July 08, 2020

In this podcast, Patrick talks about India-Africa relations, his love  for spicy food, roasted bananas, Christianity in Africa, and  Rajma-Chawal. Patrick recently completed MA- international Studies from the  Symbiosis School of Internatio

The GAC podcast: Voices Beyond Borders . Episode 1: Artist on the move - art and life of Ife Piankhi.
July 05, 2020

The GAC podcast: Voices Beyond Borders . Episode 1: "Artist on the move - art and life of Ife Piankhi" Join Shikhant Sablania a.k.a Choorma every Saturday as he meets and  interviews artists from across the globe and talk about art, life,  borde