Chris Burge Ministries' Podcast

Chris Burge Ministries' Podcast

Latest Episodes

Do You Have Peace? (Part 4)
July 12, 2022

Before you answer this question, you probably should ask me: What type of peace am I referring to? Did you know that there are four different types of peace referenced in the bible? Yet the majority of Christians are only aware of one type, and that is Sp

Do You Have Peace? (Part 3)
July 11, 2022

Before you answer this question, you probably should ask me: What type of peace am I referring to? Did you know that there are four different types of peace referenced in the bible? Yet the majority of Christians are only aware of one type, and that is Sp

Do You Have Peace? (Part 2)
July 08, 2022

Before you answer this question, you probably should ask me: What type of peace am I referring to? Did you know that there are four different types of peace referenced in the bible? Yet the majority of Christians are only aware of one type, and that is Sp

Do You Have Peace? (Part 1)
July 07, 2022

Before you answer this question, you probably should ask me: What type of peace am I referring to? Did you know that there are four different types of peace referenced in the bible? Yet the majority of Christians are only aware of one type, and that is Sp

Understanding Strongholds (Part 3)
July 06, 2022

A stronghold is a negative, destructive pattern of thought that satan has built into our minds either through repetition, traumatic experiences, or other circumstances. The enemy wants to create a partition in your mind that separates the truth that you h

Understanding Strongholds (Part 2)
July 05, 2022

A stronghold is a negative, destructive pattern of thought that satan has built into our minds either through repetition, traumatic experiences, or other circumstances. The enemy wants to create a partition in your mind that separates the truth that you h

Understanding Strongholds (Part 1)
July 04, 2022

A stronghold is a negative, destructive pattern of thought that satan has built into our minds either through repetition, traumatic experiences, or other circumstances. The enemy wants to create a partition in your mind that separates the truth that you h

The Value of Healthy Relationships (Part 4)
July 01, 2022

As I study the bible, one of the things that is crystal clear is that God wants us to have healthy relationships. I'm very concerned when I encounter Christians who have a me and my bible doctrine. In other words, they think that the only thing the

The Value of Healthy Relationships (Part 3)
June 30, 2022

As I study the bible, one of the things that is crystal clear is that God wants us to have healthy relationships. I'm very concerned when I encounter Christians who have a me and my bible doctrine. In other words, they think that the only thing the

The Value of Healthy Relationships (Part 2)
June 29, 2022

As I study the bible, one of the things that is crystal clear is that God wants us to have healthy relationships. I'm very concerned when I encounter Christians who have a me and my bible doctrine. In other words, they think that the only thing the