Winning Mantras: Cricket Mental Training

Winning Mantras: Cricket Mental Training

Latest Episodes

Motivation in cricket
October 02, 2023

In cricket, motivation is the secret sauce that turns talent and dedication into greatness. It comes in various forms, like intrinsic love for the game, external rewards, team spirit, overcoming chall

August 15, 2023

Today, we will explore a subject that lies at the intersection of physical prowess and mental resilience - the art of journaling in sports psychology. In a world where the pursuit of athletic excellen

Training with Purpose
July 03, 2023

In this episode, we delve into the significance of purpose in sports training. Join us as we explore how training with intention and introspection goes beyond mere repetition, unlocking the transforma

Training good
May 31, 2023

Unlock your full potential with the power of training! In this episode, we delve into the world of training and its incredible impact on performance. From skill training to physical conditioning and m

Goal Setting
March 02, 2023

Goal setting in sports is an important aspect of athletic performance. It provides athletes with a sense of direction, motivation, and focus. Setting goals can help athletes achieve specific objective

Can you rely on your talent?
February 15, 2023

A lot is talked about talent. But can you completely rely on talent to win matches? is there anything you can rely on to give you consistent success?

Episode 9 Mind Game
January 31, 2023

Do you keep your mind in the kit bag, when you play a match?

Episode 8 Mental challenges in Cricket
January 16, 2023

Nothing is easy in cricket. Maybe when you watch it on TV, it looks easy. But it is not. You have to use your brain and time the ball.

Episode 7 - What is the key to success?
April 05, 2021

Do you think success, name, money, fame, records, can give you eternal and everlasting happiness? Do objects, people and situations have the power to make us feel happy or sad? What is the key to succ

Doing things that are good for you
September 16, 2020

I know I should wake up early, but I end up pressing the snooze button on my phone. I know I have to do this but I don’t do it. Why?