Keeping it Cosher
Latest Episodes
"Grounded & Brewed" to lift your Mood~Addictive Coffee!
We are "boasting and roasting" with Mike Ralls, founder of Addictive Coffee! The brand is grand, the fuel is cool...Based in Marin County, a cup of Addictive Coffee is a positive way to start your day
See Ya' Later, Slater
Welcome Aboard! In August of 2010, our guest~Steven Slater (author of Wingwalking, A Memoir)~arrived in New York and became an overnight media sensation. We discuss the "event" which propelled him to
"World of Womance"
Welcome to Keeping it Cosher: A blended creation of 3 Flight Attendants who have discovered the beauty of connecting-in and on the air! Join US as we take off and explore our new reality in 2020. W