The Forge: A Genesys RPG Podcast

The Forge: A Genesys RPG Podcast

Latest Episodes

EPISODE 29: Demystifying the Mystical VII - The Conjuring
January 21, 2023

This episode we summon up a deep dive into the Conjure spell. First up in The Furnace, we talk about the Conjure spell, how to adjudicate its use, and offer you some homebrew rules to make this spell

EPISODE 28 - A Welcome Presence
October 31, 2022

EPISODE 28 - A Welcome Presence: After yet another hiatus, GMs Chris and Hooly are back with another episode! This time they tackle the last of the big six archetypes with a look at archetypes created with the Presence attribute as its focus. They also sp

EPISODE 27 - Gear of Awe
January 03, 2022

GMs Chris and Hooly return to discuss the final chapter of their series on creating Gear for your campaign or Foundry Setting. They also talk about Hell is Full with co-creator Kyle Skarp, along with answering your games and rules questions.

THE FORGE: Fuel for the Foundry - March 2021
November 16, 2021

A monthly episode series dedicated to the releases from the Genesys Role Playing Game and the Genesys Foundry available from Drive Thru RPG.MARCH 2021 RELEASESGenesys: SUPERSAuthor: Chris Markham;R

THE FORGE: Fuel for the Foundry - February 2021
October 15, 2021

A monthly episode series dedicated to the releases from the Genesys Role Playing Game and the Genesys Foundry available from Drive Thru RPG.FEBRUARY 2021 RELEASESZanagan Zoology: Part 2Author: Chris

THE FORGE: Fuel for the Foundry - January 2021
October 10, 2021

The first in a monthly episode series dedicated to the releases from the Genesys Role Playing Game from Edge Studio and the Genesys Foundry at Drive Thru RPG.JANUARY 2021 RELEASESThe Shadow ShoppeAu

EPISODE 26 - The Armor of Spotting
October 03, 2021

In an absolute cracker of an episode, we take a look at creating equipment for your campaign or Foundry product with an in-depth discussion on armor. We also be opening up the dice bag in Die Casting

EPISODE 25 - Build-A-Bazooka
September 01, 2021

THE BOYS ARE BACK! In this, the first episode of 2021, as GMs Chris and Hooly bring back The Forge love by taking an intensive look at creating unique weapons for your campaign or Foundry Product in T

EPISODE 23 - Adversarial Advice
September 30, 2020

This episode the GM Chris and GM Hooly, along with special guest RPG writer Keith Kappel, plow headlong into the process of NPC and Adversary creation in Genesys, with a special focus on the Power Levels introduced in the Expanded Players Guide.

EPISODE 1 - Welcome to The Forge
August 01, 2019

The Genesys Role Playing by Fantasy Flight Games is a template for creating any setting you can imagine. The Genesys Foundry is an expansion of that. It allows creators of original content to produce